What moves ordinary people to risk their comfort for the sake of others? What keeps people hopeful in times of despair? Why would people to take great risks to act against their oppression?
Journeying for Justice gives insight into these questions by recounting the real-life experiences of men and women who have felt compelled by faith and circumstance to keep working for a just society.
These are the stories of those who have worked with, and inspired the Pietermaritzburg Agency for Christian Social Awareness (PACSA). The book tells the story of 30 years of faith-based social justice work in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands of South Africa. These are stories of faith in action.
“For a change preachers can take a rest from their preaching and allow ordinary people to come forward to share their stories. Stories will bring about healing.”
Fr Buti Tlhagale (now Archbishop), PACSA AGM, 1996
Produced by Jive Media Africa