The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), developer of the world’s largest radio telescope, in partnership with Jive Media Africa recently engaged learners in Carnarvon in the Northern Cape through the Hip Hop Science Spaza programme. Grade 6 and 7 learners from Carnarvon Primary School were treated to hands-on science activities through which they learned more about the SKA, radio telescopes and astronomy. The activities included the creation of art focused on the theme of astronomy and the electromagnetic spectrum, a visit to the site of the MeerKAT telescope and an international Skype session that allowed the learners in Carnarvon to engage with learners at the Jodrell Bank telescope in the United Kingdom. Through the Science Spaza Hip Hop initiative, the SKA and Jive Media Afica then hosted an awesome collaboration with learners, scientists and popular music artist, iFani, putting on a show to engage the Carnarvon community all about radio astronomy and the SKA through the power of music! Following the event, the songs were packaged along with interviews from the scientists and musicians for community radio stations to share even more widely.
Science Spaza is a science engagement initiative of Jive Media Africa to improve science literacy by bringing curriculum-linked science to disadvantaged schools around the country. Science Spaza has established a network of science clubs throughout the country, supported with appropriate resources and tools, encouraging learners to engage in fun and interactive science, and to support educators in the teaching of science in an enjoyable manner. To find out more visit